Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Year at Moonstruck Meadow

It is the beginning of the farming season at Moonstruck Meadow 2010. I am not yet recovered from the hectic season of 2009. Due to health considerations I have downsized both the rabbit herds and the farm projects.

I did get most of my new chicken coop built. I still have to finish it this spring but it has a nice new metal roof as does the barn it is attached too. I have a dozen purebred chickens and hope to raise a few chicks this spring. I have Bantam Buff Brahma Cochins, Standard Partridge Cochins and a pr. of Silver Laced Whyndottes. I also have a very broody Silkie who is setting on seven eggs due to hatch next week. I also have a lone Buff Orpington hen and a muffed Americana hen who gifts me with beautiful blue-green eggs. Both Annie and I love farm fresh eggs!

I have tilled the garden once but will need to till it again to completely turn in the fall rye. I hope to get the first seeds in the garden by mid month. I have a few seeds started indoors but more to do next week. I have cleaned out most of the perineal flower beds and the plants are already growing. Most of the bulbs are up and the daffys are opening. How wonderful after such a long dreary winter.

I have the first few rabbit litters in the box already. Two nice litters of Silver Martens and a litter of Mini lops. The Silver Martens are growing in popularity and lots are arriving at the shows with the competition fierce. Great fun! The first round of Mini lop litters didn't survive the cold snap last month but I have three cute little bundles in Mitchell's Buttons first litter bred to Posey's Brayden. Not sure the colors yet but one is a dilute, one an agouti and one a solid. I hope to have six more Mini lop litters in the next three weeks and three more Silver Marten litters. Many of the Minilop litters will be chocolate line animals. Exciting!

I sold my herd of Californians early spring to Desiree. She will continue my lines. I miss them but the reduction in work load was much needed. I also cut my Mini lop herd in half from last fall. I will be thinning it some more this spring after the first litters are born.

I have few projects planned this year. I hope to enjoy the spring litters but keep the work load to a minimum. I will finish the chicken coop and yard. I might paint the barns this year and do a bit of fencing. I would love to be able to leave my German Shepherd outside more to keep the predetors away. It has been heart breaking to loose valuable stock from raccoons, bears, dogs and owls. To keep Kira safe however, I need to finish fencing the entire acreage. It has been a four year endevour already..... I might hire help to finish the job.

I hope this post saves properly. It would be nice to post more often as I hope to have more time.....