Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is it 2012 Already?

Is it 2012 already? It is true that time speeds up as you grow older........
I am chugging through the winter schedule on Moonstruck Meadow; feeding, cleaning, watering animals; thawing out frozen waterlines, hauling water, trying to stay warm and dry.

The animals are looking great. They have thick winter coats, maybe a bit of excess weight on their bones to aid in keeping them warm and healthy. It is now time to slim them down a bit in preparation of spring breeding season. I hope to begin by the the first week in February.

We have contemplated selling the farm and relocating this year but no firm plans as yet. Our place looks better and better with every new property we look at. I will keep you posted. In the mean time the breeding schedule will be low key so I don't have too many extra animals to move if we do decide to move the crew........

I have been pretty happy with the new replacement stock in both the Silver Marten and Mini lop herds. I will have to thin out a few of the seniors after their first spring 2012 litters to make room for their replacements to begin producing this season. A few really nice animals will be available. All are excellent, proven bucks and does that would make a great start for anyone.

I do have one small Mini lop litter in the barn right now from Mitchell's Lil One and Posey's Hunter. There are two nice little does, one chestnut agouti and the other a broken chinchilla (or possibly a silver tipped steel. Will know soon)

If I stay at the farm another season or two, I hope to insulate the rabbit barn to help from the water freezing problems that make the hobby difficult during the winter.

The farm has now become a regular stop for the local herd of Roosevelt Elk. What magnificent animals but also very destructive to the gardens, pasture and ivy on the house. I am torn between loving them and just tolerating them. I have resigned to loving their winter visits but will put the run on them after I begin planting the gardens.... Hope they cooperate!

I am hoping to attend my first rabbit show in 2012 this February. I sure have a hard time in the cold but i am sure going to try to get myself there this year. I haven't been physically able to make this spring show for the past two years but i hope to attend this year...... we will see. I would love to try to get a leg or two on a few of my new show stock. Moonstruck's Rulon Too, Thor, Lizzy, Lady Grey and Aaron are the Silver Martens I would like to show, Mitchell's Norman, Alexis, Jordan, Avril, Junkn the Trunk to name a few are the Mini lops I hope to get going on the 2012 show circuit.

The chickens are doing great. I am still getting a few eggs despite the cold, grey weather. A few power outages this fall has force molted the birds from the light inconsistencies but they are all almost in full feather again and they are beginning to lay. I would love to hatch out a few new chicks this year as some of the birds are getting kinda old. I can't believe how big the Partridge Cochins hens are getting. Wow, they are beautiful. Maybe I will try to find them a rooster this year as I lost 'Rupert' last spring.

I have taken on a position on the executive of RABBITS BC - Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Assoc. of BC. The secretary position has so far kept me really busy. I am also putting together the show catalogue for our club show in April. As much as I dislike being in front of a computer instead of being outside, I feel it is time to give back to the rabbit community and to help promote rabbits in our area in another way. The physical work of the farm can't last forever so it is good to cultivate my interests in a less demanding way........

I will post again soon with updates on the VIRBA show results as well as new litters.