Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring at Moonstruck Meadow

Finally spring has arrived. You wouldn't know it by the weather with rain, rain and more rain with the odd snow flake. The plants are beginning to come to life giving us all hope that it will come soon. New seedlings are popping up under grow lights; tomatoes, squash, kale and brussel sprouts. I have lots more to start. The garden has had its first tilling. The fall rye is now turned under. A mountain of compost is waiting to be moved into the garden and tilled before planting time. Most of the winter damage has been pruned off the shrubs and trees. All the fruit trees and grapes were pruned weeks ago and now blossoms are about ready to open on the plum and quince trees.

The rabbits are fleshing out and many are ready for breeding. The Cals are molting but most of the others are almost in prime. Its interesting how each breed molts at different times and under different conditions. The lops molted really early this year when it was still pretty cold and lost some body condition in the process, while the Silver Martens and Californians held their coats and body condition much longer.

There were a few late winter litters. In Mini lops EE's Carrie had a really nice litter with Mitchell's Rocco. All seven kits are broken chestnuts and almost all identical in type. It will be keeping at least one or two. Hillside's Kimmi had a litter of six bred to Posey's Flick. Another really nice litter or interesting colors; broken blue, broken tort, broken cream, broken chestnut and chestnut. I will probably keep the broken blue buck and the broken tort doe..... The others are nice too. Mitchell's Liberty had a litter of three bred to Pro J's Diesel. There is a really nice little black doe in the litter. Milkhouse Summer struggled with her litter but raised two very large babies after loosing five from the cold. I like the golden steel buck in the litter. I will watch his growth. I have a tortoise litter due from Mitchell's Mumbo bred to Mitchell's Daunte and a tri-colored litter due from Mitchell's Dizzy bred to Mitchell's Rosco. Today I bred four does; Pro J's Godiva bred to Mitchell's Geronimo, Mitchell's Jasmine bred to Posey's Bennett; Mitchell's Taylor bred to Rah's Huffle; Mitchell's Peanut bred to Posey's Austin. All should be exceptional litters. The crosses are all very complementary for body type. I am still having difficulty getting my old does bred (Velotta's Cattabrie, Milkhouse Summer, Posey's Portia and Mitchell's Jewels). I will keep trying this spring but this is their last chance to produce. I have lots of young senior does that are desperate for breeding and that will take their place.

There was one Silver Marten litter born late winter from SAGE and Twin. Six lovely kits, most of them sold right away. I have held back a doe. I am expecting two litters this week; one from Moonstruck's Tori bred to Moonstruck's Twin and a litter from Moonstruck's Promise bred to Cedar Hill's Finnegan. Kim and Cristina Posey and I recently purchased a beautiful black buck from the Prestons'. I am planning on breeding him to Silver Streak's Fiona and Cedar Hill's Sage very soon. I am really looking forward to all four litters.

Mitchell's Lupin, one of my Californian does had a winter litter. She raised three of the five born. A really nice litter; all have been sold. Mitchell's Hosta now has a litter. Three of the five kits survived the cold. They are healthy and fat. I have a new Californian buck from Donna Williams from Mitchell's Ladybug and a buck from Granings. He will be ready for breeding in about eight to ten weeks. I will also be keeping two young bucks; one from Mitchell's Chester and one from S&K's Carter this season. The old boys are due to retire.

I will be working on website updates all week. New pics of upcoming juniors will be finally up. ;-)

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