Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring is Here?

April showers are making this Easter Sunday quiet and lazy. A fire is burning in the woodstove; the smell of baking is coming from the kitchen. Happy Easter everybody.

The rabbits are resting today after a nice day at the RABBITS BC spring show and Garage Sale. It was quite a success all around. The club made enough money to put on a double rabbit show next time. There was a moderate turnout with 115 rabbits entered; 19 breeds exhibited. Not bad for a holiday weekend.

I had an exceptional day winning BOB in all three breeds. Snowberry's Caliber, jr Californian buck won BOB; Posey's Bennett won BOB and BIS for the Mini lops; Preston's Jericho won BOB Silver Marten. (co-owned with Kim & Cristina Posey). My own homeraised Mini lop Mitchell's Liberty won BOS Mini Lop; Mitchell's Geronimo won 1st Senior buck Mini lop. Posey's Joni won BOSV broken who is now also living at Moonstruck Meadow. Moonstruck's Saree won BOS Silver Marten, a beautiful jr black doe. Recognition should also go to the breeders of these three exceptional rabbits; Donna Williams, Kim & Cristina Posey and Mary Ann Preston. I am expecting litters from all three of these nice animals this spring! Watch out rabbit breeders this fall. All in good sport!

The barns will be brimming with new litters soon. I have ten bred does. I have four new litters growing now; Mitchell's Hosta with three Californian kits, Moonstruck's Promise and Tori with eight Silver Marten kits between them, Mitchell's Mumbo with a litter of six torts from Mitchell's Daunte.

The ten does that are bred are Mitchell's Jasmine, Mitchell's Lupin, Mitchell's Taylor, Mitchell's Peanut, JT's Lady Godiva, Mitchell's Eclipse, Cedar Hill's Sage, Velotta's Cattabrie, Mitchell's Jewel and Milkhouse Summer. I will post more details on these litters as they are born.....

I have recently added a new Californian doe to the herd from S&K's Rabbitry. She has some Wilcox bloodlines in her. She will introduce new blood into the herd this season. I will be posting more info on her on my website soon.

I still have a few rabbits for sale this month. They are mostly juniors, however I will have a few seniors available next month as I wean litters and hold back replacements. I hope to have my tri-colored Mini lops going soon. With so many others expecting I am waiting to make sure I have enough cage space to house them all.

I wish everybody a great spring rabbit breeding season. I look forward to seeing everybodies winners at the shows this year.

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